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Publish MBUnit Report

MbUnit is an advanced, extensible unit testing framework originally developed by Jonathon 'Peli' de Halleux and Jamie Cansdale. It is a free and open source unit testing tool for the .NET Framework. To publish the MBUnit reports to QuickBuild, first, the XML reports should be generated by nant or by msbuild which is freely available as part of the .NET 2.0 Framework.

Generate MBUnit Reports

The following code snippet is an example from MBUnit which will generate the XML test reports by NAnt:

<project default="tests">
   <target name="tests">
            <include name="FizzBuzzTests.dll" />

More detailed information please refer to the documentation of MBUnit.

Add MBUnit Report Publish Step

Add Publish MBUnit Report step to your build workflow. If you have several report sets, you can add several steps with different report set names. Reference this page for more details.


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