Delete Build

Version 3 by Robin Shen
on Aug 04, 2009 22:00.

compared with
Version 4 by Robin Shen
on Aug 04, 2009 22:02.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

 h1. Delete builds manually
 Build can only be deleted if current user has permission to delete builds in current configuration. After a build is deleted from the build page, the latest build in the configuration will be displayed. To delete multiple builds in the same time, one has to [navigate to build history page|Build Navigation#build history] first. As an *administrator*, one can also [search desired builds|Build Navigation#find builds] and delete them batchly from the find result page.
  h1. Use build cleanup strategy to delete builds automatically
 In a busy system, builds may increase rapidly. The system may respond slowly for certain operations if there are large number of builds. In such case, it will be convenient to delete unwanted builds automatically if certain condition is satisfied. This can be done by specifying build cleanup strategy in advanced settings of configurations. Currently only two cleanup strategies are supported: reserve by days, and reserve by count. Once a cleanup strategy is defined for a configuration, all subtree will use this strategy unless a descendent configuration overrides this strategy.
  h1. Delete builds automatically
 In a busy system, number of builds increase rapidly. The system may respond slowly for certain operations if there are large number of builds. In such case, it is convenient to delete unwanted builds automatically if certain condition is satisfied. This can be done by specifying build cleanup strategy in advanced settings of related configurations. Currently two cleanup strategies are supported: reserve by days, and reserve by count. Once a cleanup strategy is defined for a configuration, all ocnfigurations in the subtree will use the same strategy unless a descendent configuration overrides this strategy.