Working with Issue Tracker

Version 5 by Steve Luo
on Sep 13, 2011 00:48.

compared with
Current by Steve Luo
on Sep 13, 2011 00:50.

These lines were removed. This word was removed.
These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 2 changes. View first change.

 QuickBuild now work with issue tracker tightly:
 * Hyperlink the issues in SCM commit messages to issue tracker
 * Generate an issues report which will show you all the issues related with a build and also you can list all issues from a specified build.
 * List all changed files against an issue
 * Update issue status via SCM commit messages
 * Release a version/milestone to issue tracker
 * Add the fixed version/milestone for issues mentioned in SCM commit messages
 * Create an issue via a step which is useful if you want to track the build status in your issue tracker
 Developers can now update their issues via [commit commands|Commit Command] and need not update their issues manually from Issue Tracker GUI. Moreover, QuickBuild can manage or release a version to issue tracker and also update fixed version field or something equivalent of the issues which can help you generate the release notes easily.
 h2. Supported Issue Tracker
 Below table lists the supported issue tracker:
 ||Issue Tracker||Version||
 |Atlassian Jira |3.13.3 or higher|
 |Bugzilla | 3.4 or higher |
 |Trac | 0.11 or higher |
 |CollabNet TeamForge| 5.4 or higher|
 |Redmine|1.1 or higher|
 If you use a different issue tracker QuickBuild not supported yet, read [this document|Integrating QuickBuild with Other Issue Tracker] and it will also help you to hyperlink the issue keys mentioned in the commit messages. Or you may consider write a plugin to support, it is very easy.
 h2. Basic Features Overview
 h3. Issues In Build Overview
 All issues will be hyperlinked and when mouse is hover on the issue key, the summary will be displayed:
 h3. Issues Report
 All issues mentioned in commit message will be collected and you will get a report in build Issues tab, the issues will be updated automatically from your tracker server so that the report can always keep accurate:
 You can also select a build to generate the issues report:
 and to know what files were changed against an issue:
 h2. Advanced Features
 For most of the issue trackers, QuickBuild supply more advanced features:
 * Update issues/tickets via SCM commit messages
 * Release a version/milestone to issue tracker
 * Add the fixed version/milestone for issues mentioned in SCM commit messages
 Read below documents to know more:
 * [Integrating QuickBuild with JIRA]
 * [Integrating QuickBuild with TeamForge]
 * [Integrating QuickBuild with Trac]
 h2. Supported Issue Tracker
 Below table lists the supported issue tracker:
 ||Issue Tracker||Version||
 |Atlassian Jira |3.13.3 or higher|
 |Bugzilla | 3.4 or higher |
 |Trac | 0.11 or higher |
 |CollabNet TeamForge| 5.4 or higher|
 |Redmine|1.1 or higher|
 If you use a different issue tracker QuickBuild not supported yet, read [this document|Integrating QuickBuild with Other Issue Tracker] and it will also help you to hyperlink the issue keys mentioned in the commit messages.