Working with Accurev

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Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 06, 2009 02:52.

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 h1. Define Accurev repository
 Accurev repository can be defined by choosing the Accurev menu item from the repository menu as follows:
 (!) Accurev relies heavily on accurate system clock to perform its operations. Please make sure clock of the build server and all build agents interacting with Accurev repository are synced with Accurev server.
 h1. Specify Accurev command location
 QuickBuild utilizes the accurev command to interact with Accurev SCM. If this command is not in system path, you will need to specify location of the command by configuring Accurev plugin as below:
 Further more, accurev command location can be specified on a per-node basis by following below steps:
  # Define the accurev path property as:
  # Open Accurev plugin setting page and define the accurev path property as:
 # For each node that does not have accurev on system path, define the user attribute _accurevPath_ to point to the actual accurev path like below:
 Please note that in above example, the _accurevPath_ user attribute is just for demonstration purpose. You can use any other user attribute name.
 h1. Change detection
 If the build process involves checking out from a Accurev repository, the changes will be detected for the build stream and all parent streams until a snapshot or time-locked parent is found.
 h1. Label a Accurev repository
 The label step will create a snapshot stream backed by the build stream, with the snapshot name set to label name.