Set up Active Dependency

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Nov 27, 2009 14:50.

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Current by Robin Shen
on Nov 27, 2009 15:11.

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 h1. Situation
 ComponentA and productA build independently as different projects. During build process of ProductA, componentA will be checked for changes: if there are new changes in componentA, a new componentA version will be generated, and the new build result will be used to construct productA; otherwise, build result of latest version of componentA will be used instead.
 h1. Demonstration
 # To simulate new changes in componentA, _build condition_ of the [demo componentA configuration|] is set to _true_ so that a new componentA version will be generated whenever it is triggered.
 # Visit the demo [productA project|]. Hover mouse over the dependencies link in the build summary section, and you will see that current build of productA depends on most recent version of componentA.
 # Click the run button to build productA. A new version will be generated in [componentA|] besides the new version in [productA|]. When new build of productA finishes, examine its dependency again, and it is now dependent on the newly generated version of componentA.
 h1. Resolution
  # Visit [repositories definition of productA|]. There are two repositories defined: _component-a_ and _product-a_. Repository _product-a_ is used to retrieve source code of productA from SCM, while repository _component-a_ is used to retrieve build result of componentA. Repository _component-a_ is defined to retrieve all published artifacts from componentA, with the build defined as _latest build (generate new if necessary)_.
  # Visit [repositories definition of productA|]. There are two repositories defined: _component-a_ and _product-a_. Repository _product-a_ is used to retrieve source code of productA from SCM, while repository _component-a_ is used to retrieve build result of componentA. Repository _component-a_ is defined to retrieve all published jars from componentA, with the build defined as _latest build (generate new if necessary)_.
 # Visit [step definitions of productA|]. Two checkout steps are defined to checkout repository _product-a_ and _component-a_ respectively.