
You are viewing the current version of this page. (v. 3)
QuickBuild2 Documentation


This milestone version does not contain all features of 1.x (although they will be added in the final 2.0 release), and should not be used in production environment. It is intended to collect feedbacks from existing 1.x users for some new features.

  1. Database schema is not compatible with M3/M2/M1, you'll need to cleanup the database before running M4 (this can be done simply by removing all files under sampledb folder under QuickBuild's installation directory).
  2. Build agent and user agent also needs to be re-installed (see below for how to install build agent and user agent for M4).

Quick links

Changes since 2.0 M3

  1. Add variable support for configuration.
  2. Add build promotion support. Build promotion setting can be defined by editing configuration setting.
  3. Be able to recommend build. Recommended build will have a star icon attached. Promote operation can be configured to only applicable for recommended builds.
  4. Notification steps are removed. To set up build notifications for a particular configuration, you will need to edit the configuration setting and configure notifications there.
  5. User can now subscribe to receive build notifications upon specified condition.
  6. Build auto clean up strategy can be specified by edit configuration setting.
  7. Build can now be scheduled.
  8. Configurations/users/groups/steps/repositories can now be copied.
  9. Be able to change repository/step type while editing repository/step


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