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Version: QB15

Artifactory Integration

JFrog's Artifactory is a popular artifact management server. Integration with Artifactory enables QuickBuild to publish artifacts to Artifactory server as well as using published artifacts as build dependencies.


This plugin requires professional version of Artifactory. Version 3.4.2 has been tested.

Enable Artifactory integration

To enable Artifactory integration, login to QuickBuild as administrator to configure Artifactory plugin like below:

Publish artifacts to Artifactory

To publish artifacts to Artifactory, add a step of type Publish > Artifactory Artifacts like below:

Once published, the artifacts will appear in artifactory repository together with associated build information like below:

You may publish desired properties along with the build information via configuration level Artifactory setting like below:

After publishing, QuickBuild will display links to published artifacts as below:

Use artifacts published to Artifactory

Configurations in QuickBuild can be set up to use artifacts published to Artifactory as build dependencies. To do it, define a repository of type Artifactory Artifacts at QuickBuild side like below:

And then add a step to check out this repository just as other repositories. The repository is considered to be changed if the build version is set to LATEST, and there are new versions published under specified build name.