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Version: QB15

Build with NAnt

QuickBuild supports NAnt based build through the NAnt build step. NAnt build step can be added by selecting menu item Build -> NAnt from the step menu.

QuickBuild calls the command nant.exe to run NAnt build script. If this command is not in system path, you will need to specify its location in plugin setting of the NAnt plugin through Plugin Management page.

Further more, nant command location can be specified on a per-node basis by following below steps:

  1. Open NAnt plugin setting page and set the property NAnt Executable Path as:

  2. For each node that does not have command nant.exe on system path, [define the user attribute](Working with Build Grid.html#WorkingwithBuildGrid-defineuserattributes) nantPath to point to the actual nant command path, for example:

    rakePath=c:\program files\nant\nant.exe

    In case of user agent node, the user attribute need to be defined [in this way](Manage User Agent.html#ManageUserAgent-defineuserattributes).

Please note that in above example, the nantPath user attribute is just for demonstration purpose. You can use any other user attribute name.