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Version: QB15

Interact with Issues

Since QuickBuild 4.0, you can retrieve issues via RESTful APIs. The base URI for changes RESTful APIs is:


Here, tracker is the type of your issue tracker, in QuickBuild, includes:

  • Jira - /rest/jira
  • Trac - /rest/trac
  • Bugzilla - /rest/bugzilla

below, we will use $baseURI to represent the URI: /rest/{tracker}.

List all supported APIs

URIResponse TypeParams

Get the data version of issues

URIResponse TypeParams

Get the size

URIResponse TypeParams
$baseURI/size/{configuration}text/plain* configuration - PATH_PARAM Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, PATH:root/My/DEV . SINCE 5.0.14, specify the configuration path directly, for example root/My/DEV, no need PATH: prefix anymore. * build - QUERY_PARAM The id of a specific build. * from_build - QUERY_PARAM Specify the from build when finding changes in a build range. * to_build - QUERY_PARAM Specify the to build when finding changes in a build range.

for example, below url will retrieve the count of JIRA issues in a specified build:


Since 5.0.14


or find issue count in a build range:


Retrieve the issues

URIResponse TypeParams
rest/jira/issues/{configuration}text/xml* configuration - PATH_PARAM Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, PATH:root/My/DEV. Since 5.0.14, specify the configuration path directly, no PATH: prefix any more. * build - QUERY_PARAM Specify the build id you want. * from_build - QUERY_PARAM Specify the from build when finding changes in a build range. * to_build - QUERY_PARAM Specify the to build when finding changes in a build range. * offset - QUERY_PARAM Specify the first record when iterate the records, by default, the offset is 0 * limit - QUERY_PARAM Specify the total records you want to retrieve, by default, the limit is 50 * asc - QUERY_PARAM Boolean type, specify order by issue key ascendent or descendent, by default, it is ascendent.

For example, below example retrieves the first 50 issues of build 100:


the response looks like:

<report name="issues" version="0.0" locale="en_US">
<row ID="15" issueKey="TST-23" buildId="321" issueType="New Feature" summary="2-phase load components" status="Resolved" priority="Major" created="2011-06-03T14:58:47.445+08:00" updated="2011-06-03T15:27:39.418+08:00" resolution="Fixed" assignee="admin" reporter="admin" modifications="3">
... ...

Each row element is a record of an issue related to a specified build, the data structure is:

class Issue {
Long ID; // No use, only used in QuickBuild internally
String issueKey;
Long buildId;
String issueType;
String summary;
String status;
String priority;
Date created; // Formated in ISO8601
Date updated;
String resolution;
String assignee;
String reporter;
int modifications; // related modifications
String changeIds; // related change set ids in CSV format
String repositories; // related repository names in CSV format

Retrieve the builds of an issue

Before 5.0.14:

URIResponse TypeParams
$baseURI/builds/{configuration}/{issuekey}/text/xml* configuration - PATH_PARAM Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, PATH:root/My/DEV. * issuekey - PATH PARAM The issue key you want to search. * count - QUERY_PARAM Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.

Since 5.0.14

URIResponse TypeParams
$baseURI//{issuekey}/builds/{configuration}text/xml* configuration - PATH_PARAM Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, or specify the configuration path * issuekey - PATH PARAM The issue key you want to search. * count - QUERY_PARAM Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.

The response looks like:

... ...

Here, the build element is just a fragment of the build object in QuickBuild, if you need more detailed information about the build, please use build RESTful API.

Retrieve the changes of an issue

Before 5.0.14

URIResponse TypeParams
$baseURI/changes/{configuration}/{issuekey}text/xml* configuration - PATH_PARAM Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, PATH:root/My/DEV * key - PATH_PARAM The issue key you want to search. * count - QUERY_PARAM Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.


http://quickbuild:8810/rest/jira/changes/PATH:root/My Dev/TST-123

Since 5.0.14

URIResponse TypeParams
$baseURI/{key}/changes/{configuration}text/xml* configuration - PATH_PARAM Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here. You can also specify the configuration path directly * key - PATH_PARAM The issue key you want to search. * count - QUERY_PARAM Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.



The response looks like:

add a big file to related to issue TST-23, TST-24 TST-25
... ...