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Version: QB15

Publish CheckStyle Report

To publish CheckStyle report, you only need two steps:

  1. Generate CheckStyle XML report from Ant or Maven or any other build tool.
  2. Add Checkstyle publish step by choosing Publish -> CheckStyle Report from the step menu.

Generate CheckStyle Report

QuickBuild will NOT generate CheckStyle report automatically, so first make sure the CheckStyle report is produced by ANT or by any other build tool. The following example shows how to generate CheckStyle XML report by Ant JUnit task:
CheckStyle target in build.xml

<target name="checkstyle" description="Check coding style">
<taskdef resource="">
<classpath refid="path.lib"/>
<checkstyle config="checkstyle_checks.xml">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<formatter type="xml"/> <!-- DO use xml formatter -->

After adding the target above, generate the XML report for your source code, and you can tell QuickBuild to publish the results.

Publish CheckStyle Report

Add Publish CheckStyle Report step to your build workflow. If you have several report sets, you can add several Publish CheckStyle steps with different report set names. Reference this page for more details.