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Version: QB15

Publish TestNG Report

To publish TestNG report, you only need two steps:

  1. Generate TestNG XML report (the TestNG also supports generate JUnit style report) from Ant or Maven or any other build tool.
  2. Add TestNG report publish steps by choosing step Publish -> TestNG Report from step menu.

Generate TestNG Report

QuickBuild will NOT generate TestNG reports automatically, so first make sure the TestNG report is produced by ANT or by any other build tool. The following example shows how to generate TestNG test results with Ant TestNG task:
JUnit target in build.xml

<testng classpathref="run.cp"

<xmlfileset dir="${test14.dir}" includes="testng.xml"/>

By default, TestNG will create both XML and HTML reports. You can customize the report listener for TestNG to generate the reports, the detailed information can be referred to TestNG webiste.


About haltOnfailure

If 'haltOnfailure' in testng task is defined to true, the TestNG reports are not complete. If you want to generate the full reports, set 'haltOnfailure' to false.

Publish TestNG Report

Add Publish TestNG Report step to your build workflow. If you have several report sets, you can add several steps with different report set names. Reference this page for more details.