📄️ CSS Customization
Since QB 13.0, dark theme is introduced. And now, it is easy to do some customization for both light mode and dark mode.
📄️ Working with Steps
Step is the key concept in QuickBuild. A build process is actually the execution of sequence of steps. Steps can be defined in step setting page of a configuration like below:
🗃️ Working with SCM systems
20 items
🗃️ Working with Build Tools
9 items
🗃️ Working with Issue Tracker
10 items
🗃️ Artifact Management
4 items
🗃️ Publish Build Reports
24 items
📄️ Publish HTML Reports
QuickBuild is able to publish and display some commonly used build reports, such as JUnit, Checkstyle, NUnit, EMMA, etc. For reports that QuickBuild does not have native support, if it generates reports in html format, you can instruct QuickBuild to create a report tab in build detail page displaying this html report. This is done by adding the step Publish -\> Html Report from the step menu. We will demonstrate its usage through an example:
📄️ Set Up Build Dependency
It is quite common that a product is comprised of different components, and a component is used by different products. We suggest to set up builds for these components and products separately in this case, and utilize QuickBuild's dependency mechanism to use result of component builds in product builds.
📄️ Set Up Build Promotion
Define promomotions
📄️ Build Notifications
Users can subscribe to configurations to get build notifications if they are willing to do so. On the other hand, you can set up the configuration to forcibly send build notifications to users under certain conditions even if they do not choose to subscribe. This can be done by editing notification setting of corresponding configuration like below:
📄️ Sending Notifications to Microsoft Teams
Since QuickBuild 15.0.x, you can send build notifications to Microsoft Teams channel via Teams webhook workflow. Below steps will show you how to configure the integration:
📄️ Sending Notifications to Slack
Since QuickBuild 15.0.x, it is possible to send notifications to Slack via Slack webhook. It is a better way to send message to Slack via webhook than via Step. The following sections will show you how to configure the integration.
📄️ Customize Notification Templates
Build notification templates can be customized following below steps:
📄️ Set Up Proof Build
Proof build support is enabled per SCM. Refer to below links on how to set up proof build for different SCMs:
📄️ Working with Resources
What is Resource
📄️ Build Concurrency and Deadlock
Control Build Concurrency with Resources
📄️ Working with Build Grid
Grid overview
🗃️ Working with Cloud Profiles
4 items
📄️ Diagnose Build Issues
Investigate build failure
📄️ Running Behind Apache
📄️ Data Management
Data backup and restore
📄️ License Management
🗃️ Security Management
9 items
📄️ Auditing User Activities
QuickBuild audits all user activities in the system such as configuration modification, build triggering/cancelling. Authorized users may open the audit log to find out what has been changed in the system during a certain time period, and can compare the changes if necessary as demonstrated by below screenshot:
📄️ Plugin Management
QuickBuild is designed around OSGi, a plugin framework. This enables QuickBuild to be extended easily by just installing new plugins. In fact many of its features are provided by plugins out of the box, such as steps, repositories, reports, etc. All QuickBuild plugins are kept in the plugins folder under QuickBuild's installation directory, with each file representing a single plugin.
📄️ Configuring System Alerts
Alert Definition
📄️ Configuring Disk Monitoring
By default, QuickBuild will only monitor the disk where node storage directory is on. You may want to specify the disks yourself, so you need:
📄️ Webhooks
Since 8.0.12