Badge for build status
QuickBuild can generate a badge image for build status, report stats, so you can add the badge image to markdown, or anywhere you want.
URL syntax
The badge url can be located at:
buildIdOrName is a build id or a name, the name is in the following format:
buildName can be one of the following value:
- latest
- latest_successful
- latest_failed
- latest_timeout
- latest_cancelled
type can be one of the following value:
- status build status
- boost Boost test report
- bullseye Bullseye report
- busted Busted report
- checkstyle CheckStyle report
- clover Clover report
- cobertura Cobertura report
- codenarc Codenarc report
- coverity Coverity report
- cpd CPD report
- cppcheck CPPCheck report
- emma EMMA report
- findbugs FindBugs report
- fxcop Fxcop report
- Jacoco Jacoco report
- junit JUnit report
- mbunit MBUnit report
- mstest MSTest report
- ncover NCover report
- pmd PMD report
- tap TAP report
- testng TestNG report
- valgrind Valgrind report
Below is an example that shows how to add a badge to GitHub README in markdown:
See it in action in below url: