
Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Aug 10, 2010 23:39.

compared with
Version 2 by Robin Shen
on Aug 10, 2010 23:51.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

 h1. Quick links
 * [Installation Guide|Installation Guide]
 * [Upgrade Guide|Upgrade to 3.0.x]
 * [Documentation|Documentation Home]
 * [Download Link|http://www.pmease.com/downloads/eap/]
 {note}Check the [upgrade guide|Upgrade to 3.0.x] for incompatibilities with 2.x.{note}
 h1. Changes since 3.0 beta4
 # A non-admin account can now be authorized to administer a configuration subtree.
 # Add the option of auto-detecting user time zone from browser to display local date/time. This option resides in my setting page.
  # Be able to enable proof build conditionally. This makes repository reuse possible for both proof build and non-proof build.
 # Be able to configure QuickBuild server or agent to bind to specific network interface via "bin/config.(bat|sh)".
 # Be able to configure performance factor of grid node via "bin/config.(bat|sh)".
 # QuickBuild plugin for JIRA (run at JIRA side) is now packaged with QuickBuild and can be downloaded from administration tab.
 # Promotion now takes variables defined in destination configuration into consideration and will prompt for them if necessary.
 # Add scripting API for various build steps to get command return code.
 # Prompting variables in the order they are defined instead of alphabetical order.
 # Fix the bug that opening link in new browser tab via "ctrl-click" results in original page being locked.
 h1. Changes since 3.0 beta3
 # Update issues in issue tracking system based on closed Perforce jobs.
 # Manually link/unlink issues of a finished build.
 # Be able to run Perforce proof build against specified change list.
 # Specify the condition to run proof build so that a single repository definition can be used for proof build and non-proof build cases.
 # Fix the issue that non word character in promotion name causes Groovy complication error.
 h1. Changes since 3.0 beta2
 # Fix the issue of slow dependency build resolving process.
 # Add scripting API method getNextVersion(dryRun) to configuration object.
 # Fix the issue that a database backed up with passwords cleared or with builds excluded can not be restored later.
 # Add back the getClientName() scripting API to Perforce repository object.
 h1. Changes since 3.0 beta1
 # Fix the variable evaluation compatibility issue with 2.1
 # Fix the issue that source distribution (for commercial user only) can not be built.
 # Fix the issue that PermGen space of Sun JDK is increased steadily over time and cause OOM exception eventually if there are many configurations.
 # Fix the issue that Ant build step reports "invalid dependency" error when Ant is executed with JDK 1.4.
 # Fix the issue that a Subversion replacement action ("R") causes NullPointerException in QuickBuild.
 # Fix the issue that distinguish name containing special characters (such as comma, back slash, etc.) causes associated group information can not be retrieved from LDAP.
 # Fix the bug that restore/migration procedure may report "Unique Key Constraint" error when clearing the database.
 # Fix the issue that statistics chart can not be displayed if a build is triggered by anonymous user.
 # Fix the issue that build cleanup encounters error when tries to delete builds.
 h1. Major improvements over 2.1
 h3. Third party integrations
 # [Integrating JIRA with QuickBuild] and [Integrating QuickBuild with JIRA]
 #* Transform JIRA issue keys in SCM commit messages to issue links.
 #* Update JIRA issues based on commands found in SCM commit messages. For example, _fix TST-123 --time 2d --comment some comment_ tells QuickBuild to resolve issue _TST-123_ with a worklog of two days and a comment _some comment_. Issues will be updatede under the JIRA account associated with the SCM committer.
 #* Create JIRA issues under certain conditions and assign to certain person. For example, you may configure QuickBuild to create an issue for build failure and have it assigned to build engineer, or create issues for unit test failures and have them assigned to corresponding developers.
 #* Corresponding project versions in JIRA can be automatically released if certain build is successful. Further, build version can be pushed into JIRA as released project version if it does not exist already.
 #* Issues fixed in a build can be associated with corresponding JIRA versions automatically via _fix version/s_ field of the issue.
 #* Next build version in QuickBuild can be configured to use next unreleased version of corresponding JIRA project.
 #* A JIRA issues tab to display information of issues relating to current build, or comparison of two arbitrary builds. Issues can be searched by summary within QuickBuild.
 #* [A QuickBuild plugin|http://build.pmease.com/build/50.latest] running at JIRA side to disclose SCM changes and builds information for an issue. User may view/diff changed files of issues directly from JIRA without FishEye being installed.
 # [Integrating with Trac]
 #* Transform Trac ticket numbers in SCM commit messages to ticket links.
 #* Update Trac tickets based on commands found in SCM commit messages. For example, _fix #123 --comment some comment_ tells QuickBuild to fix ticket _#123_ with a comment _some comment_. Tickets will be updatede under the Trac account associated with the SCM committer.
 #* Create Trac tickets under certain conditions and assign to certain person. For example, you may configure QuickBuild to create a ticket for build failure and have it assigned to build engineer, or create tickets for unit test failures and have them assigned to corresponding developers.
 #* Milestones in Trac can be automatically released if certain build is successful. Further, build version can be pushed into Trac as released milestone if it does not exist already.
 #* Tickets fixed in a build can be associated with corresponding Trac milestones automatically via _milestone_ field of the ticket.
 #* Next build version in QuickBuild can be configured to use next unreleased Trac milestone.
 #* A Trac tickets tab to display information of tickets relating to current build, or comparison of two arbitrary builds. Tickets can be searched by summary within QuickBuild.
 # [Integrating with Bugzilla]
 #* Transform Bugzill bug numbers in SCM commit messages to bug links.
 #* A Bugzilla bugs tab to display information of bugs relating to current build, or comparison of two arbitrary builds. Bugs can be searched by summary within QuickBuild.
 # Support to analyze and publish MSTest report.
 h3. UI improvements
 # Inherited settings such as steps, repositories and variables will be displayed directly in descendant configurations. This makes examination and modification of inherited settings much easier.
 # Drag and drop steps to rearrange build workflow.
 # Multiple promotion destinations can be defined, with the ability to assign each promotion destination a name. For example, you may define promotions such as _deploy to dev server_, _deploy to QA server_, _release_, and they will appear on build page as action buttons conditionally based on permission of current user.
 # Step success rate and duration statistics.
 # SCM Changes can now be searched.
 # A configuration specified dashboard to display brief information of a configuration, including description, next build version, overall success rate and average duration, as well as pending build requests.
 # A general commit message transformer to transform arbitrary snippet of SCM commit message freely. This feature is typically used to transform issue keys into issue links for issue trackers currently not supported by QuickBuild.
 # A build variables tab to display value of all used variables in a build.
 # Add option to clear passwords when backup database. This is useful when sending backup for diagnostics.
 h3. Build engine improvements
 # The same step can now be reused in different composition steps.
 # Step can be repeated for different set of parameters, either parallelly, or sequentially. For example, you may create a singe test step to have it execute for each combination of possible databases and OS platforms, or have it run on every build agents. This can greatly reduce number of steps needed in a complex build workflow.
 # Spawned process tree in build batch or shell script can now be killed.
 # Dependency builds triggered by QuickBuild repository or trigger build step can now respect queue settings.
 h3. Other improvements
 # Tray monitor is improved to reflect build status in tray icon.
 # [RESTful API] is redesigned to be fast and stable.