JUnit Report

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Dec 24, 2009 08:09.

compared with
Version 2 by Steve Luo
on Jun 20, 2011 16:45.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 10 changes. View first change.

 QuickBuild supports [publish JUnit Report|Publish JUnit Report] by default, after JUnit Report has been published successfully, the following navigation menus will be displayed in _Build_ Tab:
  QuickBuild supports [publish JUnit Report|Publish JUnit Report] by default, after JUnit Report has been published successfully, QuickBuild will summarize the tests information in the build overview tab, see below
You can view the JUnit report by a particular type.
h3. Failed Tests
  and also a _JUnit Report_ tab is displayed in the build page.
In this report, all failed tests will be displayed. Following is an example screenshot:
  *Failed Tests*
 The tab display all failed tests:
h3. Test Packages
In this report, the package related data will be displayed, by clicking the link of 'Package Name', you will see the details of the test suites information. By clicking the link next to !trend_icon.gif!, you can view the trends chart of this indicator in last several builds.
  *By Package*
 The tab displays the test info by package:
h3. Test Suites
Like the Test Packages report, you can see a lot of information for the specified test suite.
  *By Testsuite*
 The tab displays the test info by testsuite:
h3. Test Cases
 This report displays all the test cases that ran in the current build.
  *By Test*
 The tab displays all tests information:
 and when you click the icon !details.gif!, the detailed information is displayed in a popeup dialog like below: