Working with Bitbucket Server

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jan 13, 2019 22:25.

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Version 2 by Steve Luo
on Feb 26, 2019 06:50.

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 QuickBuild integrates with Bitbucket server via the Bitbucket server repository. This repository has all features of a normal [Git repository|Working with Git], but add the ability to build against open pull requests, and update pull request status based on build result.
 h2. Build against pull requests
 To build against pull requests, define a Bitbucket server repository like below:
 In repository definition, tick the _build open pull requests_ option like below:
 Upon triggering of configuration using such repository, QuickBuild will first find all open pull requests at Bitbucket server side and then fire separate build request(s) for each open pull request to check changes against that pull request, and build that pull request if necessary. So if there are many open pull requests, many build requests will be fired. So it is best practice to enable [concurrent build|Build Concurrency and Deadlock] to speed up verification of multiple pull requests.
 As demonstrated below, each finished build will display associated pull request as branch information and changes of the build will be calculated against previous build with the same pull request branch.
 Upon manual triggering of such configuration, all matched pull requests will be built even if they've not being updated, just like what QuickBuild behaves when trigger configurations using normal repositories. However if you schedule the configuration and set build condition to _If changes found in referenced repositories_ (or something similar), QuickBuild will only build against new/updated pull requests.
 h2. Update pull request status at Bitbucket server side based on build status
 QuickBuild will update pull request status automatically to reflect build status when build is started/finished, as demonstrated below:
 h2. BitBucket Webhook Integration
 QuickBuild can trigger builds via BitBucket webhooks since 9.0, but only repo:refs_changed event is allowed to trigger the builds. To add integration, please go to configuration settings page and then choose Webhook -> BitBucket from right side menu:
 Then, you can add the settings:
 * *Trigger User* the user to trigger the build
 * *Webhook Secret* the secret should be the same as what you defined in BitBucket
 * *Trigger Condition* the trigger condition in Groovy scripts, when the result is true, build will be triggered, otherwise, the build will not be triggered.