Copy of 2.0 beta2

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jun 06, 2009 01:26.

compared with
Version 2 by Robin Shen
on Jun 06, 2009 01:28.

These lines were removed. This word was removed.
These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

 h3. Overview
 This version is able to migrate data from [QuickBuild 1.x|Upgrade From 1.x] and [2.0 beta1|Upgrade From 2.0 beta1], and the data can also be migrated to any future versions.
 h3. Quick links
 * [Documentation|Documentation Home] (Some part of the document is a bit outdated and will be updated in the formal 2.0 release)
 * [Download Link|] (please select the configuration _PMEase.QuickBuild2_)
  h3. Changes since 2.0 beta1
 h3. Major improvements over QuickBuild 1.x
 # Native support for a number of build reports. Refer to below documents for details of build reports:
 #* [working with build reports|2.6 Build Reports]
 #* [publish build reports|07. Publish Build Reports]
 #* [publish html reports|09. Publish HTML Reports]
 # Build statistics. Refer to below documents for details of build statistics:
 #* [working with statistics|4. Working with Statistics]
 # Build grid support. Refer to below documents for details of build grid:
 #* [setup distributed builds|10. Setup Distributed Builds]
 #* [configure build grid|Configuring Build Grid]
 # Introduce the concept of proof build to build/test user's uncommited changes at server, and optionally checkin that those changes automatically if build/test succeeds.
 #* [working with proof build|3. Working with Proof Build]
 #* [setup proof build|11. Setup Proof Build]
 # Visually arrange steps to design build process. Refer to below documents for details:
 #* [configuration setup|01. Configuration Setup]
 # Build promotion visualization. Source build and destination build will be linked to show the promotion relation.
 # Fine grained access control when assign permissions for groups.
 # Be able to customize build option screen and promote option screen when manually triggers a build or promote a build. This is supported through prompt settings of variables.
 # Builds can run concurrently even for a single configuration to better utilize build grid resource. To configure concurrent running builds for a single configuration, the master step needs to be configured to run on agent instead of server.
 # Be able to recommend build. Recommended build will have a star icon attached. Promote operation can be configured to only applicable for recommended builds.
 # Build changes will be collected during a build promotion process. For example, if a release build is generated as result of promoting from a QA build, the change set between current release and last release will be collected automatically.
 # Be able to view/diff changed source files in the change set panel.
 # Be able to compare two builds (not necessary ajacent) and generate changes between them.
 h3. Features exist in QuickBuild 1.x but not yet implemented in this beta
 # Various IDE plugins inlcuding Eclipse, IntelliJ and Visual Studio.
 # The windows tray monitor.
 # Integration with JIRA.
 # Remoting API.
 These features will be implemented in QuickBuild 2.1