Installation Guide

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Version 11 by Robin Shen
on Jun 27, 2009 02:36.

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 {panel:title=Installation Guide|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#AAAAAA|titleBGColor=#CCCCCC|bgColor=#ffffff}
  QuickBuild2 utilizes server/agent architecture to support distributed builds. If you only want to build on a single machine, a QuickBuild server installation will be sufficient. However, if you want to set up a build grid consisting of multiple build machines, you will also need to install build agents together with the server installation.
  QuickBuild2 utilizes server/agent architecture to support distributed builds. If you only want to build on a single machine, a QuickBuild server installation will be sufficient. However, if you want to set up a build grid consisting of multiple build machines, you will need to install build agents together with the server installation.
 [Install QuickBuild Server|Server Installation Guide]
 [Install QuickBuild Build Agent|Build Agent Installation Guide]