
compared with
Version 13 by Robin Shen
on Jul 29, 2009 02:43.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

 h3. Overview
 This milestone version does not contain all features of 1.x (although they will be added in the final 2.0 release), and should not be used in production environment. It is intended to collect feedbacks from existing 1.x users for some new features.
 # Database schema is not compatible with M2/M1, you'll need to cleanup the database before running M3 (this can be done simply by removing all files under sampledb folder under QuickBuild's installation directory).
 # Build agent and user agent also needs to be re-installed (see below for how to install build agent and user agent for M3).
 h3. Quick links
 * [Online demo|http://livedemo.pmease.com:8810]
 * [Documentation|Documentation Home]
 * [Download Link|http://quickbuild.pmease.com] (please select the configuration _PMEase.QuickBuild2_)
 h3. Changes since [2.0 M2|2.0-M2]
 # Add reports for findbugs and cobertura.
 #* [working with build reports|Build Reports]
 #* [publish build reports|07. Publish Build Reports]
 #* [publish html reports|08. Publish HTML Reports]
 # Statistics now introduce some data mining features, such as finding out most longest running tests, most frequently failed tests.
 # Add statistics for SCM activities, such as most changed files, most active users, etc.
  #* [working with statistics|4. Working with Statistics]
  #* [working with statistics|Working with Statistics]
 # SCM support for ClearCase, StarTeam, CVS, Visual SourceSafe, Accurev. Proof build is supported for all these SCMs except Accurev.
 #* [working with repositories|05. Working with Repositories]
 # Easy installation for build agent and user agent.
 #* Build agent can be installed by navigating to _Grid_ tab of QuickBuild interface (login as administrator) and click the _download build agent_ link.
 #* User agent can be installed by navigating to _My_ tab of QuickBuild interface (login with user's own account) and click the _download user agent_ link.
 # User agent on windows now runs from windows tray.
 # Add jabber notifier
 # Builds can be run concurrently even for a single configuration to better utilize build grid resource. To configure concurrent running builds for a single configuration, the master step needs to be configured to run on agent instead of server.
 # Configuration dependency support through use of QuickBuild repository just like 1.x.
 # Build queue added to constraint number of concurrent builds under a particular configuration tree.