Set Up Build Dependency

Version 6 by Robin Shen
on Aug 10, 2009 00:37.

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Version 7 by Robin Shen
on Aug 10, 2009 00:44.

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  It is quite common that a product is comprised of different components, and a component is used by different products. We suggest to set up builds for these components and products separately in this case, and utilize QuickBuild's dependency mechanism to use result of component builds in product builds. QuickBuild implements build dependency through a special repository type - [QuickBuild repository].
  It is quite common that a product is comprised of different components, and a component is used by different products. We suggest to set up builds for these components and products separately in this case, and utilize QuickBuild's dependency mechanism to use result of component builds in product builds. QuickBuild implements build dependency through a special repository type - [QuickBuild repository]. Assume we have two configurations, one is created to build productA, and another is created to build componentA which will be used by productA. To use artifacts of componentA, you will need to switch to _repositories_ tab of configuration _productA_, and define a QuickBuild repository there retrieving desired files from desired build, and then a checkout step against this repository needs to be added into step execution graph of _productA_.