Agent Installation Guide

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jun 18, 2008 03:29.

compared with
Version 2 by Robin Shen
on Jun 18, 2008 06:34.

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  h3. Supported operating systems
 * Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32 bit, x86 architecture
 * Linux 32 bit, x86 architecture
 * Mac OSX 32 bit
 * More operating systems will be supported in the formal 2.0 release
 h3. Memory requirement
 * 512M minimum, 1G recommended
 h3. Installation Steps
 # Make sure you have JDK 1.5 installed. Go to [] for JDK 1.5 download, if you didn't install it yet.
 # Make sure the environment variable JAVA_HOME is defined for the user running QuickBuild server, and takes value of the JDK home directory (the directory containing bin, lib,...).
 # Download QuickBuild2 distribution from [], select the latest build for project _PMEase.QuickBuild2_ and download proper distribution for your operation system.
 # Unzip the downloaded file into the selected installation directory.
 # For windows platform, run _bin/quickbuild.bat_ to start the server; for other platforms, change to the _bin_ directory, and run below command to start the server:
 ./ console
 #* This will run QuickBuild in console mode. To close the server, just close the console window (on Windows platforms) or press _Ctrl-C_ (on platforms other than Windows).
 #* To install QuickBuild as NT service on Windows platforms, just run _service-install.bat_, then you will find a service named _QuickBuild_ in the service control panel. To uninstall the service, just run _service_uninstall.bat_.
 #* To install QuickBuild as a daemon process on non-Windows platforms, just run command:
 ./ start
 The daemon process can be stopped by running below command:
 ./ stop
 #* Be default, QuickBuild will run on port 8080. If this port is used by other process, you can change to use a un-used port by editing the file _conf/node.properties_.
 # After the server starts up, follow the instruction in the console to open a browser window and connect to the server. Below browsers are supported:
 #* Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
 #* Firefox 1.5 or higher
 #* Safari 3.0 or higher