What's XMT

Version 4 by Robin Shen
on Feb 08, 2010 13:33.

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Version 5 by Robin Shen
on Feb 08, 2010 13:34.

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  XMT (XStream Migration Tool) is a simple library to migrate [XStream|http://xstream.codehaus.org/] serialized XML when the associated Java class evolves. XStream is a popular library to serialize Java object to XML and back again, and XMT enables a smooth migration of this XML when you change class definition of the Java object.
  XMT (XStream Migration Tool) is a simple library to migrate [XStream|http://xstream.codehaus.org/] serialized XML when the associated Java class evolves. XStream is a popular library to serialize Java object to XML and back again, and XMT enables a smooth migration of this XML with the help of [dom4j|http://dom4j.sourceforge.net/] when you change class definition of the Java object.