QuickBuild JIRA Integration

Version 5 by Steve Luo
on Jun 04, 2010 16:31.

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Version 6 by Steve Luo
on Jun 04, 2010 16:58.

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 QuickBuild 3 now support the integration with Jira natively.
 h3. QuickBuild Side
  QuickBuild 3 provides a two-way solution to integrate with Atlassian JIRA.
 h3. Integrate JIRA in QuickBuild
 The integration features:
 * Hyperlink the JIRA keys in commit messages to corresponding JIRA pages
 * Generate an issues report from commit messages
 * Progress/update the issues from commit messages
 * Release a version of a project in JIRA and update the fixed versions field of issues with status fixed or closed
 * Create an issue to JIRA based on a customized step condition
 To enable the integration:
 # Enable 'Access remote API calls' in JIRA
 # Configure JIRA server in your configuration
 h3. QuickBuild Side
 h3. Jira Side
 h3. FAQ
 * Q: I can't add comment to a closed issue, why?
  A: You need modify the file $JIRA_HOME/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/jira-workflow.xml, find 'Closed' step and change the value of 'jira.issue.editable' to *true*.
 * Q: The commit command failed with error: Workflow step 'Start Progress' is not valid for issue: XXX-123, but I can progress the issue in Jira GUI.
  A: The user defined in QuickBuild Jira setting should have the permissions to do all of the workflow actions which defined in workflow command transition. If you encountered the problems above, please login to Jira with that user and check the 'Available Workflow Actions' section.