Diagnose Build Issues

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Dec 24, 2009 08:09.

compared with
Version 2 by Robin Shen
on Aug 18, 2010 11:17.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 4 changes. View first change.

 h1. Investigate build failure
 If a build is generated but failed, you will see an error summary in the build overview page like below:
 This gives a quick view of which steps are in error, and cause of the error. You may open the step log or build log to view details of the errors. The error summary will also be displayed if you point mouse to the build failure icon in dashboard and in build history.
 {info:title=Enable debug logging for build log}In case of a build failure, Enabling debug logging may help investigating the problem. This can be done by editing basic setting of corresponding configuration and set the log level to _DEBUG_ or _TRACE_.{info}
 This gives a quick view of which steps are in error, and cause of the error. You may open the step log or build log to view details of the error.
 Further, you may enable debug or trace logging of a configuration to have QuickBuild printing more build information into log, which might be helpful when investigate build failures.
 h1. Investigate configuration error
Configuration will be marked in error in below cases:
 # Failed to evaluate snapshot taking script.
  Configuration will be marked as in error in below cases:
 # Failed to take repository snapshots.
 # Failed to evaluate build condition.
# Failed to determine build version.
  # Failed to calculate build version.
 # Failed to collect build metrics.
 # Failed to send build notifications
 Configuration error messages are logged in system log instead of build log either because the build has not been generated or because the build is finished and build log is closed. If a configuration is in error, its status icon will flickers. An error summary window will be displayed if you point mouse to the error icon like below:
  # Failed to send build notifications.
 Configuration error messages are logged in system log instead of build log either because the build has not been generated yet or because the build is finished and build log is closed. In this case, the configuration dashboard will display the error message, and clicking the detail icon will display the error detail in system log.
 {info:title=Enable debug logging for system log}
 In case of configuration error, enabling debug logging may help the investigation. Debug logging for system log can be enabled by editing file _conf/log4j.properties_ under QuickBuild server's installation directory, and change the second line to be:
 The modified log4j setting will take effect immediately after you've saved the file, and you do NOT need to restart the server.