Step Path

Version 2 by Robin Shen
on Aug 24, 2010 02:07.

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Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 24, 2010 02:12.

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  Step path can be used to reference an executed step. Since QuickBuild 3.0, the same step can be reused in a single build, therefore it is not sufficient to reference an executed step simply with a step name. Below screen explains how to construct step path of various steps:
  Step path can be used to reference an executed step. Since QuickBuild 3.0, the same step can be reused in a single build, therefore it is not sufficient to reference an executed step simply with a step name. Path of a particular step instance can be constructed by concatenating names of all its container steps with character ">", from outer-most to inner-most, with the last element being name of the step itself. Below screen explains how to construct step path of various steps: