This documentation relates to QuickBuild 5.0.x
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Interact with Issues

Version 2 by Steve Luo
on Mar 26, 2013 11:39.

compared with
Current by Steve Luo
on Mar 26, 2013 11:42.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 2 changes. View first change.

 Since QuickBuild 4.0, you can retrieve issues via RESTful APIs. The base URI for changes RESTful APIs is:
 Here, tracker is the type of your issue tracker, in QuickBuild, includes:
 * Jira - /rest/jira
 * Trac - /rest/trac
 * Bugzilla - /rest/bugzilla
 below, we will use $baseURI to represent the URI: /rest/\{tracker}.
 h3. List all supported APIs
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |$baseURI/help|_text/html_| |
 h3. Get the data version of issues
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |$baseURI/version|_text/plain_| |
 h3. Retrieve the issues related to a configuration
 *Get the size*
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |$baseURI/size/\{configuration}|_text/plain_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
 Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, _PATH:root/My/DEV_. *SINCE 5.0.14*, specify the configuration path directly, for example root/My/DEV, no need PATH: prefix anymore.
 * *build* - QUERY_PARAM
 The id of a specific build.
 * *from_build* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify the from build when finding changes in a build range.
 * *to_build* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify the to build when finding changes in a build range.|
 for example, below url will retrieve the count of JIRA issues in a specified build:
 Since 5.0.14,
 Since 5.0.14
 or find issue count in a build range:
 *Retrieve the issues*
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |rest/jira/issues/\{configuration}|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
 Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, PATH:root/My/DEV. *Since 5.0.14*, specify the configuration path directly, no PATH: prefix any more.
 * *build* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify the build id you want.
 * *from_build* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify the from build when finding changes in a build range.
 * *to_build* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify the to build when finding changes in a build range.
 * *offset* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify the first record when iterate the records, by default, the offset is 0
 * *limit* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify the total records you want to retrieve, by default, the limit is 50
 * *asc* - QUERY_PARAM
 Boolean type, specify order by issue key ascendent or descendent, by default, it is ascendent.|
 For example, below example retrieves the first 50 issues of build 100:
 the response looks like:
 <report name="issues" version="0.0" locale="en_US">
  <row ID="15" issueKey="TST-23" buildId="321" issueType="New Feature" summary="2-phase load components" status="Resolved" priority="Major" created="2011-06-03T14:58:47.445+08:00" updated="2011-06-03T15:27:39.418+08:00" resolution="Fixed" assignee="admin" reporter="admin" modifications="3">
 ... ...
 Each row element is a record of an issue related to a specified build, the data structure is:
 class Issue {
  Long ID; // No use, only used in QuickBuild internally
  String issueKey;
  Long buildId;
  String issueType;
  String summary;
  String status;
  String priority;
  Date created; // Formated in ISO8601
  Date updated;
  String resolution;
  String assignee;
  String reporter;
  int modifications; // related modifications
  String changeIds; // related change set ids in CSV format
  String repositories; // related repository names in CSV format
 h3. Retrieve the builds of an issue
 *Before 5.0.14:*
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |$baseURI/builds/\{configuration}/\{issuekey}/|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
 Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, _PATH:root/My/DEV_.
 * *issuekey* - PATH PARAM
 The issue key you want to search.
 * *count* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.|
 *Since 5.0.14*
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |$baseURI//\{issuekey}/builds/\{configuration}|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
 Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, or specify the configuration path
 * *issuekey* - PATH PARAM
 The issue key you want to search.
 * *count* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.|
 The response looks like:
  ... ...
 Here, the build element is just a fragment of the build object in QuickBuild, if you need more detailed information about the build, please use [build RESTful API].
 h3. Retrieve the changes of an issue
 *Before 5.0.14*
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |$baseURI/changes/\{configuration}/\{key}|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
  |$baseURI/changes/\{configuration}/\{issuekey}|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
 Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, PATH:root/My/DEV
 * *key* - PATH_PARAM
 The issue key you want to search.
 * *count* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.|
 http://quickbuild:8810/rest/jira/changes/PATH:root/My Dev/TST-123
 *Since 5.0.14*
 ||URI||Response Type||Params||
 |$baseURI/\{key}/changes/\{configuration}|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
 Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here. You can also specify the configuration path directly
 * *key* - PATH_PARAM
 The issue key you want to search.
 * *count* - QUERY_PARAM
 Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.|
 The response looks like:
  add a big file to related to issue TST-23, TST-24 TST-25
  ... ...