Upgrade Data

Version 8 by Robin Shen
on Oct 15, 2009 04:46.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Dec 24, 2009 03:30.

These lines were removed. This word was removed.
These lines were added. This word was added.

View page history

There are 1 changes. View first change.

 # Stop QuickBuild server of previous version, you do not need to stop agents since they will be auto-upgraded after server is upgraded.
 # On Windows, run _<old installation directory>/bin/service-uninstall.bat_ to uninstall QuickBuild NT service of previous version if necessary.
 # Extract installation package of new version to a new directory.
 # Open a command line window, and switch to the _bin_ sub directory under the *new version*'s installation directory. Run the migrate command to migrate from previous QuickBuild version. On Windows platform, the command is _migrate.bat <install directory of previous QuickBuild version>_, and on unix platforms, it will be _migrate.sh <install directory of previous QuickBuild version>_.
 # Start QuickBuild server in new installation directory and agents will be auto-updated. It will take a while for them to appear in the build grid.
  # Verify server and agent installation by running some builds. If there is not any errors, you may safely delete installation directory of previous version of QuickBuild server.
  # Verify server and agent installation by running some builds.