Build Promotion

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jul 27, 2009 17:01.

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Current by Robin Shen
on Jul 28, 2009 18:20.

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  Build promotion is a process of generating new build based on information of another build. It is used by QuickBuild to implement build life cycle. For example, a gold QA build can be identified and promoted as a Release build. Arbitrary custom actions can be configured for the promotion process so you can deploy the build to test servers, or to create tags on SCMs for release builds, and etc.
  Build promotion is a process of generating new build based on information of another build. It is used by QuickBuild to implement build life cycle management. For example, a gold QA build can be identified and promoted as a Release build. Arbitrary custom actions can be configured for the promotion process so you can deploy the build to test servers, or to create tags on SCMs for release builds, and etc.