Workspace Tab

Version 6 by Robin Shen
on Aug 04, 2009 20:55.

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Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 04, 2009 21:11.

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 [Workspace|Configuration Workspace] tab will be visible to users who have permission to access workspace of current configuration. Each node has its own workspace for each configuration as demonstrated below:
 # Workspace relative path
 When mentioning a file (or directory)'s workspace relative path, we mean the file path relative to the workspace. Workspace relative path can be determined easily from workspace tab as shown in the above screenshot.
 # Clean workspace
 Workspaces can be cleaned up if *login as administrator* as demonstrated in above screenshot. Workspace cleanup will be necessary if you want to do a clean build or if workspace files are out of sync with SCM. Workspace files may got out of sync if:
 #* Switch to use a different SCM, or different address of the same SCM.
 #* The SCM server is restored to previous status which does not contain revision in current workspace.
 {info}Workspaces can only be cleaned by administrators.{info}