Publish HTML Reports

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on Aug 06, 2009 18:50.

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 QuickBuild is able to publish and display some most commonly used build reports, such as JUnit, Checkstyle, NUnit, EMMA, etc. For reports that QuickBuild does not have native support, you can write a plugin (refer to the [Developer's Guide|QBTEAM:Developer's Guide]) to publish and display the report, or if the report can be generated in HTML form, you can publish the html report to generate a link in build detail screen. Then the report can be accessed by following the link. We will use an example to demonstrate how to publish html reports.
  QuickBuild is able to publish and display some commonly used build reports, such as JUnit, Checkstyle, NUnit, EMMA, etc. For reports that QuickBuild does not have native support, if it generates reports in html format, you can instruct QuickBuild to create a report tab in build detail page displaying this html report. This is done by adding the step _Publish -> Html Report_ from the step menu. We will demonstrate its usage through an example:
Let's assume you have the directory _myreport_ in the [workspace|Concepts#configuration workspace]that contains html files of the report with the start page being index.html. You can use following steps to publish the report with the build:
 # Add a step of type _publish/Html Report_ to the build process as follows:
 # When adding the step, provide the following properties:
 #* Name: <give a name of the step>
 #* Description: <optionally give a description to this step>
 #* Report Name: my report
 #* Source Path: myreport
 #* Step Necessary condition: parent==null \|\| \!parent.anyChildFailed
 #* Start Page: index.html
 #* _Node Match Condition_ and _File Requirements_: just use default value for these two properties. These two properties are used in grid environment and will be explained later.
  Let's assume you have the directory _myreport_ in the [workspace|Concepts#configuration workspace]that contains html files of the report with the start page being index.html. You can add the html report publish step with below properties:
 * Name: <give a name of the step>
 * Report Name: my report
 * Source Path: myreport
 * Start Page: index.html
 Builds generated with this setup will have following sidebar:
  After build finishes, a report tab named _my report_ will be available to display the html report.