Upgrade 2.0.x

Version 4 by Robin Shen
on Jan 25, 2010 10:07.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Jan 25, 2010 10:08.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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 In this procedure, we assume that installation directory of 2.0.x server is _/quickbuild-old_, and new version of QuickBuild is extracted to directory _/quickbuild-new_.
 # Login to 2.0.x as administrator, switch to menu _Administration/Database Backup_, and backup the database to file _backup.zip_. After the backup, you should be able to find the file _/quickbuild-old/backup.zip_.
 # Stop QuickBuild 2.0.x server process. On Windows platform, please also run _/quickbuild-old/bin/service-uninstall.bat_ to unregister the QuickBuild NT service if it is installed previously. On Windows Vista and Windows 7 system with UAC enabled, you will need to run this command as administrator.
 # Copy all files under _/quickbuild-old/conf_ to _/quickbuild-new/conf_ *except for* _wrapper.conf_ and _wrapper_license.conf_.
 # Copy all files under _/quickbuild-old/lib_ to _/quickbuild-new/plugins/com.pmease.quickbuild.libs_.
 # Copy all files under the _/quickbuild-old/resource_ to _/quickbuild-new/resource_ *except for* _default_html_notification.vm_, _default_plain_notification.vm_, and _velocity.properties_.
 # If you've adjusted memory setting (property _wrapper.java.maxmemory_), and java command (property _wrapper.java.command_) in _/quickbuild-old/conf/wrapper.conf_, make the same adjustment in _/quickbuild-new/conf/wrapper.conf_.
  # If you are connecting to external database in old QuickBuild (please check file _quickbuild-old/conf/hibernate.properties_ for sure), manually delete the database using your database tool, and create a new one with the same name.
  # If you are connecting to external database in old QuickBuild (please check file _/quickbuild-old/conf/hibernate.properties_ for sure), manually delete the database using your database tool, and create a new one with the same name.
 # Open a command line window, switch to directory _/quickbuild-new/bin_, and run command _restore.(bat|sh)_ /quickbuild-old/backup.zip_ to migrate and restore data of old QuickBuild.
 # Run command _/quickbuild-new/bin/server.bat install_ to install QuickBuild NT service if necessary. On Windows Vista and Windows 7 system with UAC enabled, you will need to [open the command prompt window as Administrator|http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/run-a-command-as-administrator-from-the-windows-vista-run-box/] before running command _/quickbuild-new/bin/server.bat install_.
 # Startup new QuickBuild server by running _/quickbuild-new/bin/server.bat console_ and check if data has been restored successfully.
 # If you've configured build agents, *re-install build agents* following below steps:
 ## Backup the file _conf/attributes.properties_ under build agent's installation directory.
 ## Delete build agent's installation directory.
 ## Install build agents following [this guide|build agent installation guide].
 ## Overwrite file _conf/attributes.properties_ under build agent's installation directory with the file backed up previously.
 # If user agents are used in your team, tell your developer to *re-install user agents* following below steps:
 ## Backup the file _conf/attributes.properties_ under user agent's installation directory.
 ## Delete user agent's installation directory.
 ## Install user agents following [this guide|user agent installation guide].
 ## Overwrite file _conf/attributes.properties_ under user agent's installation directory with the file backed up previously.
 # Verify the server and agent installation by running some builds.