Working with Artifacts

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Dec 24, 2009 08:09.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Nov 22, 2010 13:24.

These lines were removed. This word was removed.
These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 2 changes. View first change.

 h1. Access build artifacts
 If published, build artifacts will be available for download from build overview page as below:
 Build artifacts can also be accessed from dashboard by hovering mouse over the _more_ link of a build.
 h1. Permanent links to artifacts
 Permanent links to artifacts are constructed in the form of:
 http://<host>:<port>/download/<build id>/artifacts/<relative path to artifacts>
 Take the above screenshot for example, assume the host and port to be _build_server:8810_, the permanent link to file _productA-1.0.3.jar_ will be:
 [Ant style patterns|] can be used in the permanent link to refer to a set of files, for example:
 ||Permanent Link||Description||
 |http://build_server:8810/download/42/artifacts/distribute/**|This url refers to all files recursively contained in the _distribute_ folder.|
 |http://build_server:8810/download/42/artifacts/**/*.java|This url refers to all java source files, recursively.|
 |http://build_server:8810/download/42/artifacts/*.txt|This url refers to all text files under the top directory, non-recursively.|
 The _<build id>_ can also be written as below:
 ||Build Id||Description||
 |<configuration id>.latest|refer to latest build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>.latest_successful|refer to latest successful build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>.latest_finished|refers to latest finished build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>.latest_failed|refers to latest failed build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>.latest_recommended|refers to latest recommended build of specified configuration|
  |<configuration id>:latest|refer to latest build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>:latest_successful|refer to latest successful build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>:latest_finished|refers to latest finished build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>:latest_failed|refers to latest failed build of specified configuration|
 |<configuration id>:latest_recommended|refers to latest recommended build of specified configuration|
 Below are some example permanent links using this form of build id:
 ||Permanent Links||Description||
 |http://build_server:8810/download/2.latest/artifacts/**|This url refers to all published artifacts in latest build of configuration 2 (identifier).|
 |http://build_server:8810/download/5.latest_successful/artifacts/distribute/productA.jar|This url refers to artifact _distribute/productA.jar_ in latest successful build of configuration 5 (identifier).|
  |http://build_server:8810/download/2:latest/artifacts/**|This url refers to all published artifacts in latest build of configuration 2 (identifier).|
 |http://build_server:8810/download/5:latest_successful/artifacts/distribute/productA.jar|This url refers to artifact _distribute/productA.jar_ in latest successful build of configuration 5 (identifier).|