Other permissions

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Dec 24, 2009 08:09.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 18, 2010 01:28.

These lines were removed. This word was removed.
These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

  h1. Admin group
 Users assigned to admin group becomes administrators and will have all permissions. Admin group can be created by checking the _Is Admin Group_ option as below:
 h1. Expand all configurations
 This permission controls whether or not the user can expand the whole configuration tree in one click. to assign this permission, a group with permission _Expand All Allowed_ needs to be associated with the user:
 {info}All admin groups have this permission automatically.{info}
 h1. Access system log
 This permission controls whether or not an user can access system log. To assign this permission, a group with permission _System Log Allowed_ needs to be associated with the user:
 {info}All admin groups have this permission automatically.{info}
 h1. {anchor:allow user agent}Allow user agent
 This permission controls whether or not an user can download and connect the user agent to QuickBuild server for [proof build|Proof Build] purposes. To assign this permission, a group with permission _Is Agent Allowed_ needs to be associated with the user:
 {info}All admin groups have this permission automatically.{info}
  Below permissions can also be assigned to a group:
 # QuickBuild administration
 This permission can be assigned by checking the _Is Admin Group_ option of the group. Users assigned to admin group becomes administrators and will have all permissions even if they are not explicitly assigned.
 # Access to node attributes
 This permission controls whether or not the user can view system and user attributes of grid nodes.
 # Expand all configurations
 This permission controls whether or not the user can expand the whole configuration tree in one click. to assign this permission, a group with permission _Expand All Allowed_ needs to be associated with the user.
 # Access system log
 This permission controls whether or not an user can access system log.
 # Allow user agent {anchor:allow user agent}
 This permission controls whether or not an user can download and connect the user agent to QuickBuild server for [proof build|Proof Build] purposes.