Trigger Builds

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Dec 24, 2009 08:09.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 17, 2010 12:45.

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There are 2 changes. View first change.

 h1. Situation
 Project2 uses project1 through Maven or Ivy dependency outside of QuickBuild. When project1 finishes building, trigger project2 just to verify if project1 breaks project2.
 h1. Demonstration
 # Switch to [project1|], and hit the run button to build project1.
 # A new build of project1 will be generated, and a new build of [project2|] will also be generated when build of project1 finishes.
  # Switch to [project1|], and hit the run button to build project1.
 # A new build of project1 will be generated, and a new build of [project2|] will also be generated when build of project1 finishes.
 h1. Resolution
 Switch to [step definition of project1|], a step is defined to trigger project2 after build step of project1 is finished. You may add as many trigger build steps here as you want, or you can arrange the step executin order to trigger other builds in any order.
  Switch to [step setting of project1|], a step is defined to trigger project2 after build step of project1 is finished. You may add as many trigger build steps here as you want, or you can arrange the step executin order to trigger other builds in any order.