Publish MSTest Report

Version 2 by Steve Luo
on Jun 20, 2010 09:50.

compared with
Current by Steve Luo
on Jun 20, 2010 09:51.

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 To publish MSTest report, the following two steps are required:
 # Generate MSTest report by [MSTest application|] or by MSBuild, NAnt etc.
  # Generate MSTest TRX test report by running [mstest command|] or by MSBuild, NAnt etc.
 # Add MSTest report publish step by choosing _Publish -> Publish MSTest Report_ from step menu.
 h2. Generate MSTest Report
 You may generate MSTest report by running [mstest.exe|] from command line or by MSBuild task. The result of MSTest will be a trx file.
  You may generate MSTest report by running [mstest.exe|] from command line or by MSBuild task. The result of MSTest should be TRX test report.
 In this version, QuickBuild will not parse the MSTest coverage result.
 h2. Publish MSTest Report
 Add _*Publish MSTest Report*_ step to your build workflow. If you have several report sets, you can add several steps with different report set names. Reference [this page|Publish Build Reports] for more details.