
Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jun 24, 2010 12:01.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Sep 17, 2011 23:56.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

 # A cross-platform [tray monitor] to view build, trigger build and report build events from desktop.
 # [The custom statistics feature|add custom statistics data] is added to generate user defined statistics based on arbitrary xml files.
 # Analyze [.NET NCover report|publish ncover report] to publish code coverage result and statistics over time.
 # Analyze [.NET Fxcop report|publish fxcop report] to publish code analysis result and statistics over time.
 # Analyze [CPD report|publish cpd report] to publish code duplicate result and statistics over time.
 # User can now add new SCM systems, steps, reports, statistics, notifiers and authentication systems to QuickBuild by [writing custom plugins|develop plugins].
 # External system can operate QuickBuild programmatically via the new [RESTful API].
 # Database backup and restore is now much faster. An option to exclude builds when backup database is also added.
 # Support to use Oracle as external database.
 # [SSL support|protect QuickBuild using SSL] for QuickBuild server and agents.
 # Improved ClearCase support. Existing dynamic or snapshot view can now be used for build, besides the ability to create new view based on config spec or stream/baseline information.
 # Task and compilation error in Ant build step can now be catched and reported in build overview screen.
 # Add browser back button support when navigating QuickBuild pages.
 # Build tabs, statistics tabs, report set and report filters are now remembered when switching between different build and configuration for better navigation experience.
 # Add an option to always display default value of the variable when it is prompted.
  # Add scripting API to acquire and release resources when step executes. This addresses the issue of resource contention when multiple steps running on the same node with limited resources. Refer to the [resource locking] samples on how to use this API.
  # Add scripting API to acquire and release resources when step executes. This addresses the issue of resource contention when multiple steps running on the same node with limited resources. Refer to the [Resource Locking] samples on how to use this API.
 # Fix the issue that QuickBuild page sometimes throws exception if opened/viewed in multiple browser tabs.
 # Fix the issue that sometimes variable can be specified with empty value even if it is not allowed to empty.