Plugin Management

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jun 18, 2008 20:28.

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Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 07, 2009 06:04.

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  QuickBuild is designed around [OSGi|], a plugin framework. This enables QuickBuild to be extended easily by just installing new plugins. In fact many of its features are provided by plugins out of the box, such as steps, repositories, reports, etc. All QuickBuild plugins are kept in the _plugins_ folder under QuickBuild's installation directory, with each file representing a single plugin.
 *NOTE:* When mentioning plugin management, we are referring to QuickBuild server. You may noticed that the agent installation also has the _plugins_ directory. However, you don't need to take care of agent plugins, because QuickBuild agents will sync its plugins with QuickBuild server automatically when you install/uninstall plugins on the server.
 To get more information on installed plugins, please go to the Plugin Management screen as shown below:
 * The icon before the plugin name indicates the status of the plugin:
 ** !disable.gif! This plugin is disabled. If a plugin is disabled, its functionality will not be available to the system. For example, if the plugin _com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.ant_ is disabled, the ant build step will not appear in the step menu.
 ** !enable.gif! This plugin is enabled.
 ** !warning.gif! This plugin can not be enabled as it needs to be configured first. Once it is configured, its status will change to _enabled_.
 * For plugins with settings, a _Configure_ link will appear in the operation list. Following this link, plugin setting page will be opened to let the user view/edit settings of the plugin.
 * New plugins can be installed by dropping the plugin file into the _plugins_ folder, followed by restart of the QuickBuild server.
 * Existing plugins can be uninstalled by deleting the plugin file from the _plugins_ folder, followed by restart of the QuickBuild server.