Set Up Proof Build

Version 4 by Robin Shen
on Aug 06, 2009 19:28.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 11, 2009 01:44.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

 Proof build setup is different for different SCM:
 * [Set up proof build for CVS|Working with CVS#proof build]
 * [Set up proof build for ClearCase|Working with ClearCase#proof build]
 * [Set up proof build for Perforce|Working with Perforce#proof build]
 * [Set up proof build for StarTeam|Working with StarTeam#proof build]
 * [Set up proof build for Subversion|Working with Subversion#proof build]
  For SCMs not listed here, proof build is not supported.
  For SCMs not listed here, proof build is not supported.
 After proof build has been set up, you may need to tune _node match condition_ of corresponding steps so that multiple builds in the same proof build configuration can run concurrently. It is critical to get fast proof build feedback when multiple developers are running proof build against the same configuration. Refer to [build concurrency] for details on how to tune the _node match condition_.