Working with Reports

Version 5 by Steve Luo
on May 28, 2008 02:22.

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Current by Robin Shen
on Aug 06, 2009 18:39.

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 h2. Overview
 In QuickBuild, most of the published reports will be displayed as a report table which should look like:
The build reports in QuickBuild are published by using [publish build reports step|Publish Build Reports]. The build report will be generated after the build finishes. After the build reports is published, you can:
 1. View an overview status in [build dashboard|Build Dashboard].
 2. View the details report by clicking the related category in _Build_ Tab.
 3. View the trends of the current report in [Statistics tab|Working with Statistics].
 If you need to publish a build report that is not supported by QuickBuild, you may also [add your own custom report to QuickBuild|Adding User Defined Report].
 h2. Supported Reports
 Following table lists all the reports supported in QuickBuild:
 h3. Java Category
 || Report Name || Version ||
 | [JUnit Report|Publish JUnit Report] | 3.8\+ |
 | [TestNG Report|Publish TestNG Report] | 5.7 |
 | [Findbugs Report|Publish Findbugs Report] | \\ |
 | [CheckStyle Report|Publish CheckStyle Report] | 4.1\+ |
 | [EMMA Report|Publish EMMA Report] | 2.1\+ |
 | [Cobertura Report|Publish Cobertura Report] | \\ |
 | [PMD Report|Publish PMD Report] | 4.2.2 |
 | [Ivy Dependency Report|7.8 Adding Ivy Dependency Report] | |
 h3. .NET Category
 || Report Name || Version ||
 | [NUnit Report|Publish NUnit Report] | 2.0 |
 | [MBUnit Report|Publish MBUnit Report] | 2.4\+ |
 h2. Report Table
 QuickBuild is using a grid table to display the records of a build report as follows:
 _{+}Screenshot: PMD Files Summary Report{+}_
h2. Re-order The Report
 By clicking the header of the table, you can re-order the report results by different column.
  Below is a fast overview of the actions in the report table:
h3. Re-order The Report
 By clicking the header of the table, you can re-order the report results by selected column.
h2. Display The Sub-Records
 Some reports contains sub reports, for example, in JUnit Packages report, you can click each link of the Package Name, then all the test cases relative to this package will be displayed.
  h3. Display The History Statistics Chart
h2. Display The Stats of Last Ten Builds
 When clicking a column with !stats-small.gif!, the last ten builds status of this indicator will be displayed. This will help you to track your builds more accurately.
  When clicking a column with !stats-small.gif!, the history statistics of this data will be displayed. This will help you to track your builds more accurately.
 *NOTE: Only last 25 builds will be displayed*
h2. Filtering/Navigating The Report
 Using below controls, you can filter/navigate the report.
  h3. Filtering/Navigating The Report
At the top/bottom of the report table, controls are available to filter/navigate the report.
h4. Filter the records
 Some reports contains sub reports, for example, in JUnit Packages report, you can click each link of the Package Name, then all the test suites in this packages will be displayed. Or if you are viewing tests report ('By Tests' tab), then click the link(s) will help you to filter the reports.
 You may also enter any words you want to filter in the input box, and press 'Go' button, the report will be filtered. Clear the filter input field, and press 'Go' button, and all records will be shown again.
 By selecting 'containing' or 'excluding', the records will include or exclude the word(s) you have entered.