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Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jan 13, 2019 22:25.

compared with
Current by Steve Luo
on Feb 25, 2019 12:49.

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There are 3 changes. View first change.

 {panel:title=Release Highlights|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#A3BFB1|titleBGColor=#CEF2E0|bgColor=#ffffff}
 h2. New features
 * QB-3007: Launch build agent on demand in Kubernetes cluster
 * QB-3109: Launch build agent on demand in Azure cloud
 * QB-3063: BitBucket cloud ( integraion
 * QB-2891: Slack Notification Plugin
 * QB-3075: Add GitHub's build status markdown
 * QB-3107: File compress support for artifact publishing/dependency resolving/artifact promotion
 * QB-3105: An option to display parallel steps vertically
 * QB-3100: Add ticket authentication for Perforce repository besides password
 * QB-3094: Add support for triggering builds on one configuration for pull requests and branches
 * QB-3092: Additional access control for grid tab via group
 * QB-3088: Able to search builds by master node address
 * QB-3086: Nested permission set support
 * QB-3116: Edit group authorizations at configuration side
 * QB-3119: Add a configuration level cache to store script evaluation result
 * QB-3079: Able to diff original value and current value for setting overriden
 * QB-3077: Able to pause notification of a configuration tree
 * QB-2197: Able to set per-step log level
 * QB-3076: Able to specify output charset for command build step
 * QB-3073: Gzip compression when access build log
 * QB-3072: Add full name to user pick list when edit a group
 * QB-3070: An option to prevent artifacts override when doing publish
 * QB-3052: Dashboard administration - ownership transfer
 * QB-3121: Able to specify primary dashboard if multiple dashboards are applicable for new users
 * QB-3122: Build cleanup strategy to evaluate a condition to determine if the build should be preserved
 * QB-3023: Able to specify network loss tolerance period when executing a step
 * QB-3022: Add user information to "pause system" messaging
 * QB-3020: Setting patterns on the "Artifact Cleanup Strategy"
 * QB-3008: Change the variable option such as read only, allow empty, remember from check-box to script
 * QB-3005: Multiple user and version search support in build history filter
 * QB-3003: Git gc run before doing a fetch/pull
 * QB-2992: Add conditions to velocity template attachements
 * QB-3123: Optionally disable "p4 print" during unshelve for improved performance
 * QB-3124: Dashboard should only be allowed to be edited by owner or administrator
 * QB-2981: Build step - configuration export and import
 * QB-2977: Allow conditions to be added to the step "retry after failure" feature
 * QB-2976: An option to show urls in step log as links
 * QB-2975: Add the ability to make "view log of this step" wicket a shareable link
 * QB-2973: Editable customized access denied message for configuration
 * QB-3097: Custom Statistics Widget - Data Range Display
 * QB-3081: Custom statistics history gadget always starts at zero although there are also negative numbers
 * QB-3044: User management 'shorcut' letters should have an option "startsWith" on top of "contains"
 * QB-3027: Add "Count" Indicator to Build Stats dashboard gadget
 * QB-3010: JaCoCo Aggregation Table Gadget
  * QB-3320: Java 11 support
 * QB-3291: GitLab merge request support
 * QB-3342: Swagger documentation support
 * QB-3162: GitHub/BitBucket web hook to trigger QuickBuild builds
 * QB-3348: GitLab webhook integration
 * QB-3168: Build statistics aggregation
 * QB-3295: Syntax highlight for groovy script
 * QB-3314: GPU option support when create EC2 instances
 * QB-3301: Allow for additional flags to git repository log command
 * QB-3325: Optionally include a custom file for environment setup when service starts
 * QB-3292: Add STOP_OWNER_BUILD permission
 * QB-3290: Able to run designated build on stopping build agent
 * QB-3281: Do not clone git repository if no changes in github pull requests
 * QB-3327: Do not respect step retry setting upon step cancellation/timed out
 * QB-3269: Improve authorized groups page to show inherited authorizations
 * QB-3324: Provide api to run another groovy script on specified node and get result when executing a groovy script
 * QB-3268: Provide a way to download the agent without needing an administrator account
 * QB-3265: Get dashboard name on gadget by groovy script
 * QB-3260: Resource search/filter functionality
 * QB-3329: Able to specify additional options when clone a git repository
 * QB-3239: Add a step type to run groovy script from specified file
 * QB-3224: Quickbuild should retry git fetch command, if suggested by error message
 * QB-3230: Upgrade to use Jetty 9.4.8 or higher to fix log rotating and large file downloading issue
 * QB-3227: Decouple commit status update from repository checkout
 * QB-3331: Rich html editor to edit html content in various settings
 * QB-3137: Change variable 'Remember', 'Allow Empty', and 'Read Only' field from text-input box to selection box for better user experience
 * QB-3332: Check minimum java version when start QB
 * QB-3129: Provide option to group published HTML reports in Overview page
 * QB-3120: Allow creating Perforce readonly and partitioned clients
 * QB-3334: Able to specify concurrent works of parallel step via script
 * QB-1075: Would like option to select nodes based on resource for inclusion in another resource
 h2. Bug fixes
* QB-3114: Max workers setting executes parallel childs in batches and not "Child step will wait until it is picked up by free workers"
 * QB-3115: When max workers are set in parallel composite step and one fails the pending steps are skipped
 * QB-3102: Set default date of lastLogin of user when migration from QB6 to QB8
 * QB-3091: Node attribute not refreshed in grid overview when modified by script on agent side
 * QB-3118: Unauthorized access to configuration audit/stats/storage tab can be achieved by inputting url directly
 * QB-3117: Authorization changing is not audited
 * QB-3055: Missing SCM control files (files in .git, .svn, etc.) on server when they are set to stored on agent
 * QB-3053: Dashboard administration - sorting is not persistent
 * QB-3037: Promotion button not refreshing
 * QB-3009: Disable button in build option and promote option page when pressed to prevent further click
 * QB-2995: Step with execute condition "always execute" is skipped if condition check of previous step throws exception
 * QB-2986: Subversion proof build does not commit if commit message contains quoted dots
 * QB-2974: Jetty idleTimeout issue
 * QB-2908: Audit configuration import
 * QB-3125: Unshelve process for proof build in Perforce print files on all the agents checking out repository
 * QB-2860: Make audit log available after configuration rename or move
 * QB-3127: Perforce: unshelve of a file with exclusive lock already opened by someone else doesn't appear as an error
 * QB-3066: Unknown action 'encoding, edit'
  * QB-3318: Running builds gadget sometimes shows no builds even if builds are running in a configuration
 * QB-3313: Promotion should run once even if repository branch contains wildcard
 * QB-3322: QB reports "Build is too old to be requested" if triggered build builds against multiple branches
 * QB-3323: Incorrect commit is being built for pull requests originating from forked repositories in BitBucket server
 * QB-3276: Report head commit instead of merged commit to GitHub for pull request builds
 * QB-3297: After reboot on Windows Server, service does not start
 * QB-3288: Anonymous user in the build request queue
 * QB-3279: FILES_TO_SOURCE in start script removed on upgrade
 * QB-3326: Upgrade JSW to 3.5.37 to fix service issues on some platforms
 * QB-3250: Step retry times should be times of retries, instead of times of total runs
 * QB-3264: Should not save file content in build options for file upload variable
 * QB-3228: When IP of a build node changes it does not get recognized and results into "No route to host"
 * QB-3179: Default install build condition can cause Schedule not to trigger
 * QB-3212: QuickBuild Agent in a restart loop on macOS due to Address already in use
 * QB-3147: Configuration move should be audited
 {panel:title=Important Changes|titleBGColor=#FFEEEE|bgColor=#FFFFFF}
 * Dashboards now can only be edited by administrator and owner
 * The cloud profile API has been changed, and you should change your custom cloud profile plugin in below areas:
 *# Your plugin class should override method _getSettingIndependentExtensions_ to use below implementation:
 return getExtensions();
 *# _UserDataRetriever_ is removed, and the logic there should be moved into method _getNodeLaunchData_ of the class implementing the extension point _NodeCloud_
 * Property _password_ of Perforce repository is replaced with _credential_. If you have script to get perforce password as below:
 You should change it as:
  QuickBuild 9.x (both server and agent) now requires Java 1.8 or higher
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