In-place upgrade

Version 1 by Robin Shen
on Jan 13, 2019 22:25.

compared with
Current by Robin Shen
on Feb 22, 2019 07:49.

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These lines were added. This word was added.

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There are 1 changes. View first change.

 # Stop your QuickBuild server. You do not need to stop agents since they will be auto-upgraded after server is upgraded.
 # Extract installation package of new version to a temp directory.
  # Open a command line window, and switch to _bin_ sub directory under extracted directory above. Run command _upgrade.(bat|sh) <install directory of current QuickBuild>_ to upgrade QuickBuild in-place.
 {note}We now suggest to use upgrade script instead of migration script. The upgrade script will update target directory to new version so that QuickBuild installation directory remains unchanged.{note}
  # Open a command line window, and switch to _bin_ sub directory under extracted directory above. Run command _upgrade.(bat|sh) <install directory of current QuickBuild>_ to upgrade QuickBuild in-place. The upgrade script will update target directory to new version so that QuickBuild installation directory remains unchanged.
 # After the upgrade, start your current QuickBuild instance. Agents will be auto-updated after server startup. It will take a while for them to appear in the build grid.
 # Verify server and agent installation by running some builds.