This documentation relates to QuickBuild 10.0.x
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Build with Arbitrary Command

Version 2 by Robin Shen
on Mar 11, 2020 02:22.

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Current by Robin Shen
on Mar 13, 2020 14:00.

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 If your build tool is not directly supported by QuickBuild, you may utilize the command build step to run your builds as long as your build can be performed from command line non-interactively. To add a command build step, choose _Build -> Shell/Batch Command_ from the step menu.
  Sometimes it is desirable to call back into QuickBuild while executing the command, for instance, to set build version or change value of a variable. To support this, QuickBuild treats all output lines between "## Begin QuickBuild Script" and "## End QuickBuild Script" as script to be executed.
  Sometimes it is desirable to call back into QuickBuild to execute some scripts while executing the command. To support this, QuickBuild treats all output lines between "## Begin QuickBuild Script" and "## End QuickBuild Script" as script to be executed.
 Some examples:
 # Set build version
 echo "## Begin QuickBuild Script"
 echo "groovy:build.setVersion('$version')"
 echo "## End QuickBuild Script"
 # Set value of a variable
 echo "## Begin QuickBuild Script"
 echo "groovy:vars.get('somevar').setValue('some value')"
 echo "## End QuickBuild Script"