Publish Fxcop Report

Version 1 by Steve Luo
on Jan 21, 2010 06:42.

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Current by Steve Luo
on Jun 10, 2010 18:49.

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 To publish Fxcop reports, you need:
 # Generate Fxcop reports by using [FxcopCmd|] or [NAnt fxcop task|] or any other tools.
 # Add a Publish Fxcop Reports step in your configuration steps.
 *Note:* The Fxcop version should be 1.35+.
 After doing this, QuickBuild will generate the Fxcop reports automatically.
 *NOTE* QuickBuild only parses the XML reports.
 h2. Generate Fxcop XML Reports
 We use NAnt fxcop task as an example for how to generate Fxcop XML reports:
 <fxcop failonerror="false" projectFile="${build.dir}\Sample.fxcop">
  <include name="${build.dir}\bin\*.dll" />
  <include name="${build.dir}\rules\*.dll" />
 h2. Publish Fxcop Reports
  Just like all other [build reports|Publish Build Reports], you add Fxcop report by adding a publish step in a configuration. When you add publish Fxcop Report step, the following screen will be displayed:
 In Report Files/Patterns field, QuickBuild uses Ant style file patterns to collect the reports, and the directory you specified is *relative* to the [workspace|Configuration Workspace] directory.
 If you have several report sets, you can add several publish Fxcop steps with different report set names.
  Add _*Publish Fxcop Report*_ step to your build workflow. If you have several report sets, you can add several steps with different report set names. Reference [this page|Publish Build Reports] for more details.