Integrate With Trac

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The integration features:

  • Hyperlink the Trac ticket id in commit messages to corresponding JIRA pages
  • Generate an issues report from commit messages
  • Progress/update the issues from commit messages
  • Release a milestone of a project in Trac
  • Create an issue to Trac based on a customized step condition

This page will describe how to integrate Trac in QuickBuild.

On This Page

Supported Trac version should be 0.11 or higher.

Simple Integration

To enable the integration:

  1. Install and enable XML RPC plugin for Trac. This plugin and its installation guide can be found at below link:
  2. Configure Trac Server on configuration settings tab.
    Property Description
    Server URL Defines the server url. you can test it by adding "/rpc", for example, if the server url is: http://localhost/trac/project, open below url in your browser: http://localhost/trac/project/rpc, and if the "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" page can be displayed correctly, the url is correct.
    User Name The user should have TICKET_VIEW permission. If you want to update issues from QuickBuild, the user should also have TICKET_MODIFY permission.
    Ticket Pattern Defines the ticket pattern which will be used to extract the ticket id from commit messages. The ticket pattern here uses Java regular expression to match the ticket ids. By default, below pattern will match #123 or ticket:123.
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