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Since QuickBuild 4.0, you can retrieve issues via RESTful APIs. The base URI for changes RESTful APIs is:

Here, tracker is the type of your issue tracker, in QuickBuild, includes:
* Jira - /rest/jira
* Trac - /rest/trac
* Bugzilla - /rest/bugzilla

below, we will use $baseURI to represent the URI: /rest/\{tracker}.

h3. List all supported APIs
||URI||Response Type||Params||
|$baseURI/help|_text/html_| |

h3. Get the data version of changes
||URI||Response Type||Params||
|$baseURI/version|_text/plain_| |

h3. Retrieve the latest builds
||URI||Response Type||Params||
|$baseURI/builds/\{configuration}|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, _PATH:root/My/DEV_
* *key* - QUERY_PARAM
The issue key. If specified, the builds related to this issue will return.
* *count* - QUERY_PARAM
Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.|

*Query all builds*
Below example shows how to retrieve the latest 50 builds related to a configuration:


http://quickbuild:8810/rest/jira/PATH:root/My Test/builds?count=50
the response looks like:
<beginDate class="sql-timestamp">2011-06-10T17:11:35.662000000+08:00</beginDate>

... ...

The build element here is just a simple fragment of the build object, if you want more detailed information about build, you need retrieve the builds via /rest/builds API, see [Interact with Builds].

*Query builds related to an issue*
here, query param *key* is the issue key which you want to find.

h3. Retrieve the changes of an issue
||URI||Response Type||Params||
|$baseURI/changes/\{configuration}/\{key}|_text/xml_|* *configuration* - PATH_PARAM
Specify the configuration. By default, specify configuration id here, if you want to specify a configuration path, you need add prefix PATH:, for example, PATH:root/My/DEV
* *key* - PATH_PARAM
The issue key you want to search.
* *count* - QUERY_PARAM
Specify at most how many records you want. If not specified, all records found will return.|



http://quickbuild:8810/rest/jira/changes/PATH:root/My Dev/TST-123