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h3. Supported operating systems

* Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Windows server 2003/2008, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86 and IA architecture
* Linux, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86, PowerPC and S/390 architecture
* Mac OS X, 32 bit and 64 bit
* Solaris, 32 bit and 64 bit, Sparc and x86 architecture
* AIX, 32 bit and 64 bit, PowerPC architecture
* HP-UX, 32 bit and 64 bit, IA and PARISC architecture
* FreeBSD, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86 architecture

h3. Memory requirement

* 512M minimum, 1G recommended

h3. Installation Steps

# Download QuickBuild distribution from [].
# Extract the downloaded file into the selected installation directory. Make sure the user running the server has *full access rights* to the installation directory.
# Make sure you have JDK5 or JDK6 installed. For Sun JDK5, QuickBuild requires at least update 19. Download the appropriate JDK version from [] if necessary.
# Make sure the _java_ command exists in the system path; if not, you will need to modify the file _<QuickBuild install dir>/conf/wrapper.conf_, and point the entry to path of the java command.
# If you run QuickBuild with Sun JDK or [OpenJDK|], make sure to edit file _<QuickBuild install dir>/conf/wrapper.conf_ and add below entry to avoid using up permgen space:
You may add this line after the line
# Optionally run command _<server install dir>/bin/config.(bat|sh)_ to configure port number, SSL setting, and service name of the server.
# Open a command window, switch to folder _<server install dir>/bin_, and run command _server.(bat|sh) console_ to start the server. Please note:
# Monitor the console window for any error or warning messages. You may ignore warning message _plugin xxxxx is not enabled as it needs to be configured_, if you don't use these plugins; otherwise, please refer to [plugin management|Plugin Management] on how to configure a plugin after server starts up.
# After the server starts up, follow the instruction in the console to open a browser window and connect to the server. Following browsers are supported:
#* Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
#* Firefox 3.0 or higher
#* Safari 3.0 or higher
#* Chrome 4.0 or higher
# By default, QuickBuild uses embedded database for demonstration purpose. For production usage, please switch to other serious database following guide in [data management section|Data Management].
{info}Follow [this guide|Install As System Service] on how to install the server as system service so that it auto-starts when machine reboots.{info}