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The integration features:
* Hyperlink the issue ids mentioned in commit message
* Generate an issues report from commit messages

h3. Configure Redmine
To enable the integration, you need configure Bugzilla setting first. Go to configuration settings and select Bugzilla Server to define, and then below screen will be displayed:

Below lists the descriptions of these properties:
|Server URL|The URL of Bugzilla server. {html}http:// or https://{html} is needed here.|
|User Name|The user name which will be used to retrieve the issues information from Bugzilla server.|
|Password|The password for the user.|
|Issue Pattern|Uses [Java regular expression|] to match the issue ids from commit messages. By default, below pattern will match #123 or bug:123.

After you configured, all issues mentioned in commit messages will by hyperlinked:

and an issues report will be shown in Issues tab: