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This API is provided for the purpose of accessing latest build information of one or more configurations efficiently.

h1. Access latest build of a specific configuration

h2. Syntax
Latest build information can be accessed by configuration id using http GET method through below url:
{code}http://localhost:8810/rest/latest_builds/<configuration id>{code}
The response is of mime type _application/xml_, and the content is XML representation of the build. Http status code 204 (no content) will be returned if no any build exists in the configuration.

{note}Please note that only brief information of the build will be returned for efficiency. These brief information includes build id, build version, build status, begin date, build duration, and id of belonging configuration.{note}

h2. Security
You will need to use http BASIC authentication to login as an authorized QuickBuild user if the anonymous does not have permission to access builds of specified configuration.

h2. Demo
Below [curl|] command demostrates how to access XML representation of latest build of configuration with id _2_:
{code}curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8810/rest/latest_builds/2{code}

h1. Get latest builds for all child configurations

h2. Syntax
Latest builds can be queried for all child configurations of specified configuration using http GET method through below url:
{code}http://localhost:8810/rest/latest_builds?parent_configuration_id=<parent configuration id>&recursive=<recursive>{code}
Here _<parent configuration id>_ needs to be replaced with identifier of the parent configuration. QuickBuild will return latest builds of all child configurations of this parent configuration. _<recursive>_ is either _true_ or _false_, where _true_ means to get latest builds for all child configurations recursively, and _false_ means to get latest builds for all child configurations non-recursively.
The response is of mime type _text/plain_, and the content is string representation of the build status.

{note}Please note that only brief information of the build will be returned for efficiency. These brief information includes build id, build version, build status, begin date, build duration, and id of belonging configuration.{note}

h2. Security
You will need to use http BASIC authentication to login as an authorized QuickBuild user if the anonymous does not have permission to access builds of any of the child configurations.

h2. Demo
Below [curl|] command demostrates how to access latest builds for all child configurations of root configuration non-recursively:
{code}curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8810/rest/latest_builds?parent_configuration_id=1&recursive=false{code}