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h2. Introduction
Build reports are very important for detecting the project health. Via adding your build reports to QuickBuild, the project health can be tracked very easily, and the most important thing is that QuickBuild can collect the statistics data from those reports, and this will help you to analyze the project from [build statistics|3. Working with Statistics] later.

Below screenshot shows a typical Java project overview by adding some reports to QuickBuild:

h2. Supported Reports
Below table lists the all reports which QuickBuild support in nature:
h3. Java Category
||Report Name ||Version ||
|[JUnit Report|5.5 Adding JUnit Report]| 3.8+ |
|[CheckStyle Report|5.1 Adding CheckStyle Report]| |
|[EMMA Report|5.2 Adding EMMA Report]| |
|[PMD Report|5.7 Adding PMD Report]| |
|[Ivy Dependency Report|5.4 Adding Ivy Dependency Report]| |

h3. .NET Category
||Report Name ||Version ||
|[NUnit Report|5.6 Adding NUnit Report] | 2.0 |
|[MBUnit Report|5.7 Adding MBUnit Report]|2.4+|

h3. Third-Party Reports
For those reports we haven't supported directly, you can also [create your own plugin setting|8. Customize The Build Report] of the plugin to publish the reports, or you can also create your own plugin to meet your requirements.