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To add [TestNG|] report, you only need two steps:
# Generate TestNG *XML* report (the TestNG also supports generate JUnit style report) from [Ant|] or [Maven|] or any other build tool.
# Publish TestNG report(s) in the [configuration|1. Working with Configuration].

h2. Generate TestNG Report

QuickBuild will NOT generate [TestNG|] reports automatically, so first make sure the [TestNG|] report is produced by [ANT|] or by any other build tool. The following example shows how to generate TestNG test results with [Ant TestNG task|]:
{code:xml|title=JUnit target in build.xml}
<testng classpathref="run.cp"

<xmlfileset dir="${test14.dir}" includes="testng.xml"/>
By default, TestNG will create both XML and HTML reports. You can customize the report listener for TestNG to generate the reports, the detailed information can be referred to [TestNG webiste|].

h2. Publish TestNG Report

To publish TestNG report is fairly simple, just tell QuickBuild where the TestNG reports exist by inputting the file pattern which is a relative path based on the workspace directory.

If you have several report sets, you can add several publish TestNG steps with different report set names.